Wednesday, February 20, 2013

This is a sampling of a channelled book of symbols.

Author’s Note

     This book came about as a playful joke.  Having a question in mind, several friends and I went into meditation with the intent of going into the future.  One person asking to know the light, another wanting to know how to help the children and the other wanting to know the past, present and future in this moment, I wanted to know how I may serve the future, now.  As we discussed what happened in each of our meditations, we joked of me writing a book about the meditation, which lead to a book about the future.  Having played with the idea, I jokingly made the suggestion of a book with blank pages.  Which progressed to further expounding – a Table of Contents with nothing listed, a book signing with me running my hand across the page with no pen in sight, the suggestion of a certain page needing to be read -carefully, book discussion groups with nothing being said, and as it most definitely will be a best seller, a movie, with, of course, blank screens.  Suddenly, though, the joke became a reality in our minds and developed into the book you now hold in your hand.

     The symbols in this book flowed through me over a period of three weeks, with seventy-eight coming through the very night of the meditation.  In peaceful meditation, eyes closed and pencil poised, my hand drew what the Universe wanted to express.  I took creative license only at final inking for clarity of each symbol as the Universe again spoke of colors in connection with each symbol, bringing a more meaningful quality to the energy.  As I was coloring the symbols I was “told” that a number corresponded to each symbol.  Having three hundred and sixty symbols, it was then revealed that there would not be a sequence to these numbers, but rather an order of seeming chaos.  Again, as I lay down the numbers in the variety of locations given, the Universe spoke of names for each symbol, bringing about the final pictures you now have discovered.
   When the Heart Speaks ~ Listen is energy filled with a message for the individual desiring to truly make a difference in their lives and that of the world as a whole and beyond.  Each of us is on a path and our life leaves, much more than a carbon footprint, we leave residual emotional, mental, spiritual, and vibrational energy along our journey.  The energy we choose is up to us.  Will your energy imprint be loving, gentle, angry, painful, empowering, accepting, peaceful or destructive?  What energy do you wish to leave as you pass through your exquisitely individual life?

My personal desire is that we all find unconditional love in our hearts for one another; live peacefully, with acceptance of each other as we share this living, breathing delicious planet and bring harmony to our future world.  The energy imprint I wish to communicate as I pass through this lifetime is that of love, peace, harmony, acceptance and light.
This book was discovered by you as a gift to our world’s future.  The Divine Essence that you hold within, every thought you think, every action you take and every one of your cellular vibrations resonates out to the whole.  You personally are responsible for the enhancement of the Universe, treat it with love.
   As you join me on this magnificent expedition, my heartfelt desire is that you embrace this chance to leave your imprint on the vibration of this world and beyond with conscious awareness.


When the Heart Speaks ~ Listen is an adventure of experience.  There is no right way to use it but there is the willingness of intention on your part.  In the following you will find pages exuding energy of the highest vibrations, pages oozing with the Universal Love from ions of our past with a direct connection to our future.  All is in the NOW moment waiting to be discovered, allowed, cherished and implemented.
Simply hold the book between your hands, meditate with the book allowing it to guide you to your point of intention.  Open the book at random and feel the energy connection to that particular page.  The page will consist of a symbol, color, number and name that you were drawn to for a reason – only you know that reason.  Though, the symbol is a guiding key, the page itself is alive with vibrations – read the page, study it, absorb it, memorize it, breathe it in and stay with it.  Pay attention to what you experience - feelings, visions, thoughts, and sensations – while “reading” this page.  This is your heart speaking, listen, this is the language of the future which you are an eminent part.
When the Heart Speaks ~ Listen is to be used as a meditation, a catalyst for spiritual discovery, and an instrument for self-awareness and of All~That~IS. 
Bless, love, and honor this book, and it will speak to you.

Prescription:  Use repeatedly as needed


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