What is equanimity? Balance, Equality, Calmness, Harmony... And what does it have to do with us?
Well, I have come here, according to my Astrology chart, Enneagram type, Soul System, Micheal System and more, to find and bring equanimity. I need first to find it within myself and then assist in the balancing of the planet, starting with the the masculine and feminine energies.
That is the challenge! The challenge within each of us. The Masculine and Feminine energies get a bad rap in our society and the world. The women against the men and vice a versa. I never understood that! Why would I want to be against the opposite sex when I truly want the connection to be felt more lovingly? (which I believe is there for all of us, we just are unaware of that truth) The real issue, of course, is that we all have the masculine and feminine within and we are only disagreeing and fighting with ourselves. The true equanimity is the love I bring to both energies within myself and carry that out into the world wherever I walk.
How do I find that equanimity? Love it, Love it, Love it!!!! Do your best to never be against something that is a part of you. If you are female, love the masculine strength with a soft embrace. If you are male, stop fighting the gentle peacefulness of openly loving. Whatever "society" has put on you personally because of the sex that you were born into, let it drop away. Who would you be if you had not been labeled? Who do you want to be if no one put those pressures on you to think and act a certain way?
For many years I would tell people that I believed that both sexes are the same. And believe me, that was not accepted well. But I still say it, we are the same, we are Divine, Universal Energy that has been put into a box and marked "It's a Girl!" "It's a Boy!". I say, take the label off and bring together those energies to blend and meld into a powerful, sweet, loving energy that can openly and unconditionally embrace and incorporate all that is of this world as one energy.
We are all magnificent beings with powerful strength to change this world with our loving hearts and gentle hands. This year of 2012 will bring wonderful changes within each of us and amazing changes to our world as we know it, if we stop resisting our own inner nature and bring that calm harmonious equanimity from within to every situation we encounter.
Bless all that you touch with the Divinity that you are...
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